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Cert Training Event

Updated: Dec 21, 2022

This years Speaker is amazing

Speaker and author Leann Hackman-Carty will provide you with a thrilling awaking on why being prepared is so important

#disasterrecovery#disaster#DisasterManagement#disastercleanup#disasterprep#disasterprepared#speaker#certcanada #learn #highriver#okotoks#charityfundraiser#charity

Over the years we have had quite a few of these training sessions and I think it is important to read and see what people say after they have taken this training and how much it has impacted their lives.

"appreciated the visuals & fire Ext’g training. Lots of hands-on & visuals, great to keep people involved"

"Great, so informative. Feeling more confident"

Taking on disasters mean you want to be able to help in a safe informed way so that you don't end up getting in the way of first responders and also not cause more damage than help.

That is why this training is so important so that you can be safe and knowledgeable while helping others.

"Awesome information, the speaker was knowledgeable"

Understanding when you are needed and how to be useful in your skill set is a big asset, this program teaches you exactly that knowing what to do and what should be left for first responders, in the same sense it allows the first responders to delegate people that are willing to help into the right direction

"Each area of the presentation was great but it needs to be enforced that this is for knowledge and that skilled professionals will be providing direction. Community roles are as support, sometimes for the less glamorous, menial tasks…"

"Overall a very informative event – opened my eyes to the importance of being prepared. Thank you!"

Most people attending the course rave over everything they have learned and about how much more they feel prepared in case there is a disaster. The whole course is built on getting the public prepared and getting them to understand their importance in every scenario.

We hope you take the time and come see for yourself the amazing things you can learn to feel more prepared and calm knowing that everything will be okay.. Select here to join the next training session

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